Sue isn’t simply an extrovert being extroverted. This is a bad-ass woman doing bad-ass things; a woman that seems to know no different from being a natural leader and kind person. Sue lives and works what she believes is right in this world. Equality, support and quite simply, kindness!
This drive for wellness often gets brought around when a new year is approaching, possibly because it is an easy bookmark to make in one’s life. Although, I do believe this new year’s drive for wellness is a ‘rebound’ mentality from what is often considered a December holiday season of meal abundance, often causing one’s…
The term ‘plant-based’ is a clever term created by marketing to appeal to people who may not be vegan or vegetarian, but looking to feel healthier about their food choices and others who are just curious about the seemingly hot new trend.
A great thing about summer time in Canada is you don’t have to rely so much on produce and food products from other countries.
Some people may be uncomfortable taking part in conversations about fat. The thought of eating fat and have it get stored in the body seems to leave many afraid of the consequences, and therefore, they try to cut as much fats as they can out of their diet.
There are 4 main parts of the hemp plant that is utilized for manufacturing numerous products we use or consume every day. The hemp Seeds, Stalk, Leaves and even the roots are all utilized…
Modern day life can produce hectic schedules, causing us to tend towards mainly using grocery and convenience stores, where all the work is done for us in the produce section.
Meet Telxnitkw (Standing By Water), Elaine Alec; At peace, while at war.
Experts still have trouble to this day explaining exactly what causes eating disorders. But it’s known that food can effect our thinking, and that our thinking can alter the way we view and consume food.